Fort Worth Life Expectancy Consultants

Life Expectancy Consultants & Expert Witnesses

Life Expectancy Determinations for Personal Injury & Wrongful Death Cases 

Life expectancy can be just one of many complex assessments involved in tort claims. While these evaluations can be essential to life care plans and damages, they can also be pivotal in wrongful death cases as a matter of figuring out how long a decedent would likely have lived if not for a fatal accident.

If requested, we offer expert services to calculate accurate Life Expectancies for an individual using established life insurance methods.  When there is reason to believe the injured party would have a life expectancy that would be different than average, for example pre-existing conditions.

Call (214) 665-9458 or email us for a free consultation.

We offer life expectancy consulting and expert witness services to attorneys and law firms nationwide.

Life Expectancy Calculations & Services for Personal Injury Lawyers

Correctly calculating life expectancy requires careful investigation, modeling, and analysis. To that end, the experts at Thomas Roney LLC:

  • Investigate the factors that impact the risk of death: This investigation, a form of underwriting, can involve assessing the presence or severity of medical conditions, psychological disorders, disabilities, substance abuse, risky behavior, and criminal activity. The more that can be discovered about a person’s history, condition, and behaviors, the better. More details can lead to more accurate assessments.
  • Select the appropriate life table: We select a base table that fits in terms of gender, race, and age. This can also involve research into mortality risks and reasonable estimates, based on individual attributes and factors.
  • Adjust general population life tables: We use individual-specific details to fine-tune the data in general tables. Using multipliers and advanced statistical calculations, we can refine the data, so it more accurately reflects how individual details impact that person’s life expectancy.
  • Document methods and findings: Our life expectancy reports detail the methods, tables, evidence, practices, models, and other elements used in the evaluation. These reports clearly translate highly complex concepts and data into accessible, clear findings. They include quantitative assessments, discussions of how multipliers were developed, and more.

With expertise approved by the U.S. Department of Justice, our team has been a leader in the field of life expectancy evaluations, writing manuals for the insurance industry, as well as several peer-reviewed articles for medical journals.

Contact the Life Expectancy Experts at Thomas Roney LLC for a Free Consultation

When you need a life expectancy expert for a personal injury case, you need the trusted professionals at Thomas Roney LLC. We are up to date with the latest changes in laws, we use state-of-the-art software, and we are known for providing professional, cost-effective services, backed by a proven record of success.

Call (214) 665-9458 or email us for a free consultation.

We are ready to learn more about your engagement, answer your questions, and assist you with your case.  From explaining economic issues to providing assessments and refining case strategy, our team can play a key role in helping plaintiff and defense lawyers obtain a fair resolution of their cases.