Economic Consulting Services Dallas

Dallas Economic Consulting Services

Looking for Economic Consulting in Dallas? Meet Thomas Roney LLC and Team.

Who Are We?

an economic expert analyzing a graphThomas Roney LLC is an economic consulting services firm. We provide expert economic damage calculations, witness testimonies for attorneys, and accurate assessments for upcoming litigation and settlements across the US. Our economic damages solutions are designed to be cost-effective and practical for you and your clients.

Our areas of expertise include, but are not limited to:

  • Personal injury damages
  • Wrongful death damages
  • Medical malpractice damage
  • Wrongful valuations of care costs and life care plans
  • Wrongful termination
  • Malpractice of Fair Labor Standards
  • Employment discrimination
  • Statistical employee liability determination
  • Lost profits
  • Business interruptions
  • Commercial damages
  • Unfair competition
  • Damages due to breach of trust or anti-trust
  • Cost-benefit analysis
  • Cost-effectiveness analysis
  • Business valuations
  • Patient infringement and intellectual property damages
  • Calculation of losses, wages, profits, benefits, services, costs, and stocks
  • Estimating future damages
  • Critiquing your opponent’s report

Click here for a full list of services offered by Thomas Roney LLC Dallas.

Why Choose Us?

Thomas Roney LLC was founded by a Senior Economist with The Center for Forensic Economics, Dallas, Mr. Thomas Roney LLC. His experience includes serving as an in-house litigation support consultant at a national law firm, an economic consultant at a major national accounting firm, and a senior research economist at an economic consulting firm in California.

Mr. Roney has won various personal injury, wrongful death, and wrongful termination cases. He has also testified as an expert witness in court, during depositions and arbitration, and before the Special Master in Victims’ Compensation Fund matters.

Upon opening his firm, Mr. Roney curated a team of experts with vast experience to provide accurate economic damage estimates and practical solutions for his clients. The cost-effective solutions at Thomas Roney LLC Dallas have been designed so that anyone can utilize professional economic consulting in Dallas.

Click here to meet the team at Thomas Roney LLC Dallas.

Get an Estimate for Economic Damages Dallas Now

Please utilize our software for a quick preliminary estimate on personal injury and medical damages. The software will assist you in determining the value of your case and comparison to opposing expert evaluations, so you can make the best decision.

The Economic Consultants at Thomas Roney LLC Provide Vital Data-Driven Analysis and Expert Testimony

Thomas Roney LLC is a Texas-based full-service economic consulting firm. Our experienced economic consultants collaborate with attorneys nationwide, assessing and calculating economic damages and offering expert testimony in class action lawsuits, individual claims, and workplace investigations. To learn more or schedule a free consultation, call 817-733-6333 or contact us online. Located in Fort Worth, Dallas, and Houston, Texas, and Atlanta, Georgia, we also serve clients in Denver, Colorado, Louisville, Kentucky, and Nashville, Tennessee.


We determine the economic impact, such as lost wages, bonuses, and benefits, of an individual or group dismissal, layoff, failure to promote or other employment decision.

We calculate the economic damages the tort victim and/or the victim’s family members suffered. These damages may involve wages, profits, benefits, home services, and personal consumption.

We calculate the present value of future care costs and life care plans.

We offer expertise in calculating accurate and precise life expectancies using life insurance methods.

We calculate lost profits and other damages suffered as the result of a tort or breach of contract.

We provide business valuations in the areas of commercial litigation, intellectual property matters, and family law actions.

Business Man with Chart in front of him

Economists prepare expert reports, testify on economic damages, and provide consulting services. Experienced economists can advise you on:

  • Deposition and interrogatory economic questions;
  • Effective demonstrative evidence to help establish the damages amount;
  • Signaling your opponent that their expert’s opinions and assumptions will not go unchallenged;
  • Managing your client’s expectations regarding the magnitude of the damages;
  • Your strategy in settlement or trial on the credible amount of damages.

The economic expert’s involvement during discovery may be critical to the development of facts and strategy in your case. Give the expert time to learn the facts, point out the strengths and weaknesses of your case and prepare a report or critique that is focused, objective and, most importantly, credible.

Contact Thomas Roney LLC for a complete list of Testimonies